Baptism and Chrismation


Baptism is a holy sacrament whereby we are fully initiated into, and become members of the Orthodox Church. We are commanded to be baptised by Jesus. Christ himself, though sinless, was baptised in the River Jordan. After His resurrection, He commanded His Apostles saying, “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit” (Matt 28:19).

During Holy Baptism a death and resurrection takes place. In the Orthodox Church we are entirely immersed, as this symbolises death. What death? The death of the “old, sinful man”. After Baptism we are freed from the dominion of sin. The Holy Font, which symbolises both a tomb (as mentioned earlier) and a womb, where those who are baptised emerge reborn into the new Divine life becoming citizens and members of God’s Kingdom.

If an adult who has not been baptised Orthodox and sincerely wants to be received into the Orthodox Church, please contact us.

To book a Baptism, please contact us

What documentation is required for a baptism?

In order to prepare the baptism certificate, 3 documents will be required:

  1. The Baptism certificate of the Godparent (who must be an Orthodox Christian, and Church canons state there can be only one Godparent).

  2. The birth certificate of the child that is to be baptised.

  3. If available the Archdiocesan marriage certificate of the child’s parents and current address (in order to keep spelling of names uniform).

These documents can be emailed to or delivered to the Church in person. 

What is the minimum age a child can be baptised?

The minimum age a child can be baptised is 40 days old. 

Does the Godparent need to be Orthodox?


What does the perspective Godparent need in preparation for the baptism?

The Godparent will need to arrange the following items:

  • A Crucifix,

  • A post baptismal outfit for the neophyte (the newly illumined) which should be bright white and include shoes, cotton hat, coat, socks, singlet, dress or suit,

  • 2 white towels (one large, one small),

  • A white sheet to absorb the Holy Oil (lathopano),

  • A small bottle of olive oil,

  • A bar of soap,

  • A candle.


Please Note: Effective as of the 1st of July 2022, the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia has issued standardised pricing for all sacraments. The below is valid across all parishes and communities under the jurisdiction of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia.


Baptism Certificate for the Holy Archdiocese$250
Certificate for Admittance into the Orthodox Church$0 (free of charge)
For the church$400
For the priest$200
For the chanter$100
For the altar assistant$50
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